Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Life

I just got done reading Carey's Blog and I figured I would follow suit and start one too! Especially since it seems that my blogs on myspace are no longer safe. To explain that Randy's ex is on my friends list so we can be in contact for Robyn (Randy's daughter) and stuff, but I come to find out she read a blog I had posted over a year ago about a fight me and Randy had. Then she decides to tell Randy's mom that I have been asking for help through myspace because Randy is a drunk and beats me! What the hell!! I mean Randy might be an ass sometimes and he might yell, but he has never raised a hand to me. I just don't understand why people have to be so stupid and try to cause trouble for other people! So now I have to watch what I post on there because god knows how crazy lady will take it.

Anyway enough on her stupid ass! On a more positive note I am starting school online this week! I am so excited! I am gonna be studying Medical Transcription which is something I have been wanting to go to school for for along time. I just havent figured out how to do it with 3 kids, but this way I can do it at home in my pj's :) It should take just a little over a year to finish and the great thing about this online college is that if later on I decide I want to study something else all the classes I take now will be transferrable to the new degree(as long as they are related fields) so you wont have to take them over. I am hoping that after doing this I will be able to get a job I can call a career, something I can be proud of.

We all enjoyed our Christmas! The kids especially, Aidan of course had no idea what was going on and slept through the whole thing :) I can't believe he is 6 weeks old already! Man how the time flies! I don't know if it's just me but it seems like every year goes by faster and faster! I mean I am gonna be 29 in 5 days!! Avery is almost 8 and Reagan is almost 5! Where does the time go! Before I know it I am gonna be in my 40's and my kids are gonna be grown or almost grown! It's just weird because for the most part I don't feel like I am 29! Ok I think I am done ranting and raving for now :)

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